ChromaScape Insights

Introducing Adam Eckard

Written by ChromaScape | Apr 15, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Adam Eckard is a dedicated Technical Service Engineer specializing in Paper Colorants at ChromaScape. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, Adam's role primarily involves visiting customer sites to address their technical needs. He dedicates most of his time to handling one customer account, where he supervises vendor-managed inventory and consignment billing procedures. To guarantee smooth production, Adam handles colorant inventory, making orders as required to synchronize with the mill's production timetable. He also conducts monthly inventories to accurately assess colorant usage for billing purposes. Beyond his core responsibilities, Adam eagerly assists in new grade development when opportunities arise,
showcasing his versatility and commitment to delivering excellence in his role.

Adam embarked on his career by joining the Paper Colorants Technical Services Laboratory at Mobay Corporation in Pittsburgh, PA. Over the years, despite various company transitions, Adam's dedication remained steadfast. He transitioned seamlessly through multiple company changes. Finally, Kemira transferred its paper colorants business to ChromaScape, where Adam continues to contribute his wealth of experience and expertise to this day. Despite this journey spanning over three decades, Adam's commitment to his craft remains unwavering, embodying a legacy of dedication and proficiency in the field of paper colorants.

In his personal life, Adam is a devoted husband and father of three children. His eldest child, having served eight years in the Marine Corps, is now pursuing higher education at Arizona State
University. His middle child has recently joined the ranks of the Pittsburgh Police Department,
embodying a commitment to public service. The youngest member of the family owns and operates a successful salon business. Despite the demands of his career, which have kept him away from home Monday through Friday for the past 15 years, Adam finds solace and joy in spending time with his granddaughter. While he admits to not having traditional hobbies, his family and granddaughter are the center of his world, providing fulfillment beyond measure outside of his professional endeavors.

Click here to read more about Adam Eckard.