Golf course sustainability

Posted by ChromaScape on Apr 17, 2020 8:51:45 AM
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golf-course-imageWhy mulch producers should target golf courses

Golf courses present significant opportunities for mulch producers as colored mulch is fast becoming the preferred material for greenskeepers who want to improve aesthetic beauty while conserving water and saving money. To help grow your business, here are some ways to discuss mulch with golf course prospects and clients.

golf-course_flower-bedsSuggest using colored mulch around the clubhouse to make landscaping shine while mimicking the club’s brand colors.

Perfect for:

  • Flower beds
  • Walkways
  • Along the driveway
  • Golf cart area
golf-course_roughExplain how using mulch instead of deep rough can cut down on water costs and course maintenance.
  • Perfect for courses in dry climates
  • Limits erosion on slopes
  • Enriches the soil and limits weeds
golf-course_tree ringsUsing colored mulch around trees makes it faster and easier for greenskeepers to mow.
  • Reduces water usage by 54% for young trees
  • Helps keep tree roots healthy
golf-course_moisture-retentionMulch can dramatically improve moisture retention in soil, meaning courses save money on water while making clubs more eco-friendly.
  • Studies show mulch can reduce water usage by 20-25%
  • Improves water infiltration and can reduce runoff

Like what you see? Download the Golf Course Sustainability Infographic to discuss with your local golf courses!



For more ways to grow your mulch production business, contact your ChromaScape representative today.

Topics: mulch colorant, golf courses, water conservation


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