To maintain profitability as a mulch producer, you need to carefully track all expenses and keep your costs in check. Most producers have a good handle on fiber and transportation costs. But despite best efforts, there are some costs that often go overlooked by some mulch producers. Here's a look at some of the hidden costs associated with running a mulch yard as well as some tips for how to reduce them.
The hidden costs of running a mulch yard and how to control them
Posted by
ChromaScape on Sep 10, 2020 3:25:35 PM
Topics: mulch colorant, increase profitability, mulch coloring equipment, colorant calibration, water calibration, mulch calculation
What is colored mulch?
Colored mulch is wood, often scrap wood or recycled wood product, that is dyed with iron oxide or carbon-based pigment to produce vibrant reds, browns, blacks or other unique colors. Colored mulch is safe, environmentally friendly and can provide a boost of color to any landscaping design.
Topics: mulch colorant, mulch beds, mulch calculation, mulch safety